The assembly was a celebration of a terms music with Mrs Cauldwell and an acknowledgement of ANZAC day.
The Juniors shared their song - Colours of Aotearoa, the Middles played "Old Macdonald on the recorder and finally the Seniors played ukulele and sang Love, Love, Love. Thank you to room 8 hosts and room 7 super scoopers for their video!
Some numbers are larger than another. You need to choose carefully follow the link below to your interactive site. Reminder that you can only navigate away when you have 10 out of 10
In ICT i-suite we learn new skills. We practice them on our own wiki page then we apply them to our blog. The first task we have is to add our name using Heathers animations, upload a text document and create our first youblisher.
Follow the link to find our pages - click here - Room 8 Wiki page
For homework last week for fun we could make baked masks. To make them you need flour, table salt and water. First you pour two cups of flour into the bowl, then add half a cup of salt along with three quatrters of a cup of water. Then mix into a soft dough. Leave it for a day wrapped in gladwrap. After that put the dough onto a greased tray and shape rolling it and cutting. Now it is time to put it into the over and bake at 150 degrees for until dried and light brown. Now you have finished unles you want to paint or decorate your mask.
Look at the photos and see the masks we made. We made hearts, faces, masks and gingerbread men.