Monday, April 2, 2012

Super Hero Stories - Dragon Fly Girl

Once upon a time the Mayoress was at home reading the newspaper when she read the headline. The magic crystal had bean stolen by the Evil Wizard. The Mayoress knew that she the Dragon Fly girl had to get back the crystal. Going to her secret lair under the pond she changed into the best super hero the town had seen. Just a few minutes later after she left she saw a thistle. She was horrified – this was the only thing that could take her powers away – just when she needs them all. Avoiding the thistle and feeling a little weak she went to the Evil Wizards old lair. Good no thistle here and I am feeling stronger. I will need all my strength to beat Wizard and get the Crystal back. Flying into Evil Wizards lair she caught him sleeping. How lucky she thought. Going quietly she picked up the Crystal and tied up the Wizard before he could wake and set a spell on her. Taking Evil Wizard to Prison she left the Crystal on the policeman’s desk where it would be returned to its owner. All her work done she returned to the pond the emerged as the Mayoress to continue her day job. Written by Nicola

1 comment:

  1. What a great story, Nicola. I love some of the language like 'continue her day job' and that you've brought in themes from other classic superhero stories like the vulnerability to thistles. Excellent.
